Thursday, June 25

Some Friends

I made some friends in the city today! I finally worked myself up to going wakeboarding on the Han River, and the people I met there are definitely my kinda people. They go and chill by the river and eat watermelon, watching other people ride for a while and talking with friends until they work themselves up to have a go. The place was super chill, and the people warmed up to me and were really friendly when I started speaking in Korean.

They also had never seen anybody wakeboard like me~ they called it Georgia style, and were really excited by it. Evidently the Korean style is kinda timid, like they're kinda scared by what they're doing so they worry and don't really let themselves loose to just have fun. I was just doing my thing like I normally do, trying new stuff because they had a rope tower on the boat and I could get some pretty huge air. I actually broke the rope while I was riding, haha. My backflip attempt definitely failed, and I flopped pretty hard, but I almost landed my frontflip at the end. I think I'll go back and try again sometime with a friend, so I can get that flip down ^^

Home base, where you can drink coffee, eat watermelon, talk with some friends, make fun of the guy who just finished riding, etc.

You can click the photos to enlarge them - the full quality versions are much cooler ^_^

All of my photos from the day


  1. Georgia wakeboarding? Only if you said "Hey ya'll watch this" before you started :)

    Seriously man be careful, not everyone sees things the same way we do.


  2. Ok, it's Saturday here not Thursday. Get busy!

    You get me hooked and then you get lazy ; (


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